Brotips for bros and hoes

Posted by CB , Tuesday, August 30, 2011 1:15 p.m.

A selection of my favorite Brotips for you today. Enjoy :)

Reader story: A sad divorce story.

Posted by CB , Sunday, August 28, 2011 12:14 p.m.

A sad and chilling story for you ladies this morning from a friend of mine who witnessed the sad repercussions of divorce on a woman. 

Hi Catherine
  • I just heard the most incredibly sad story and I really want to share it. I know it isn't really the type of thing you usually post in your blog but I am just so angry i really didn't know what to do. If worst comes to worst I can always just post it on my own facebook anyhow this is the little blurb I've written tell me what you think:

    "After a day of lying in bed with excruciating cramps doing nothing but watch sickly sweet anime’s and doing dramaturgical work I finally convinced myself that I should get outside before all of the sunlight was gone. I popped in my earbuds and grabbed my Chinese Opera sheet music and headed to the park... Soon enough I gave up trying to transcribe the music I had set out to and began childishly playing in the grass looking for clovers. I began singing to myself and unwittingly began singing Edith Piaf’s “Milord” which details a story of a prostitute trying to proposition a heartbroken man.

    No sooner had I finished the song than a woman in her late 30’s carrying a child’s backpack approached me and asked me in French : “ Have you had the same thing happen to you?” Not really understanding her meaning, and also being a bit weary of the situation, I looked at her with a look of perplextion and didn’t say anything.

    She then continued “...well I just thought that because of the song you were singing that you had had someone leave you like me.” Immediately I understood.

    The woman then proceeded to tell me her sad story of how her husband had left her for another woman and how her family had disowned her for still loving him. How she needed to move back in with her mother who belittled her for being depressed and wounded. How for reasons out of her control documents were now being processed which would declare her marriage nullified. How in her desperate search for employment she had to go through the vile process of being offered low paying positions in exchange for sexual favours.

    I listened to the miserable story and I eventually met the lady’s 3 year old daughter who immediately began bringing me gifts and hugging me and kissing me whenever she came near. From what I understood the couple were no longer together, that the man thought that taking a year break would fix everything. He needed to heal from the pain she inflicted upon her and she needed to heal her wounds. Of course this is not at all what Madelina (I soon discovered her name) wanted to happen, she wanted them to be together. “I just want my little family back” she repeated through tears. It was clear that all she had ever wanted out of life was to be a wife and a mother.

    This man destroyed and was punishing this lovely lady because in her rage over the other woman and his refusal to stop seeing her she pushed over the bookcase that had all of his gaming material and all of his video games were ruined. (From what I can gather this man is in his mid 40’s)

    I am sorry but WTF!!! How is this allowed to happen? What kind of Patriarchal society do we live in that makes it possible for a man to leave his wife with nothing and for society to somehow blame the woman! Her entire family has disowned her because she loves this man. Although I think everyone in the world, aside from herself, can see that this is an immature bum who is only torturing her, I know further punishment to coheres her into making the right decision is the last thing that this woman needs. This poor woman feels soo alone that the only person she can talk to is some stranger in the park. 

    The worst parts is that I recognize her state everything is difficult to do she wants to die, she feels like a failure, she is humiliated and she feels alone... abandoned. This is the worst situation for someone who is in such a volatile state to be in.

    How can men be so immature and selfish somehow the act of destroying a stack of video games is not equal to openly cheating on your partner. Oh yes and refusing to leave your girlfriend while you’re still with your wife. Emotions can get the best of us and make us think irrationally. Madelina’s words still echo in my mind “I’m so afraid that he won’t come back...” “No matter what I do everything reminds me of our life, you can’t erase 10 years...I know I will always love him.”

    I know this woman is in a lot of pain and a bit disillusioned as to what is right but I don’t think anyone can force her into cutting her husband out of her life. I can’t understand how this man thinks that this woman is disposable... and that his loving daughter deserves to be without a father for an entire year... men really disgust me some times.

    Natasha Perry-Fagant

Sex dilemma!

Posted by KB , Friday, August 26, 2011 9:42 a.m.

So lately I've started dating this guy (yes I know, SHOCKER!!!!) and sex has been on our minds.
So I definately want your advice, dear men haters, on when is the best time to have sex with a guy you just started to date.
A) 3rd date rule!
B) A month- that seems about right.
C) When you feel comfortable
D) First date- you want to know what's up... and what's not.
So ladies, please give me your opinion! This is crucial :)
You can either post your answer in the comment box below, or on the Facebook page!

Men vs shoes.

Posted by CB 12:01 a.m.

So today I went shopping for shoes. Found some KILLAAAAA boots, beautiful sexy cowgirl-ish hot boots. And it made me think,
Who needs a man when they've got hot new boots?

Especially since I found out today that one of my best guy friends has stopped talking to me because he has a girlfriend now... It makes me sad but at least I've got hot boots. :)

Reader story: A Lesson in Self-Respect

Posted by CB , Monday, August 15, 2011 5:06 p.m.

Another reader story from a dear friend of mine. God men suck sometimes!

Try as we might to be powerful and independent, we women never give ourselves the credit we deserve. I myself had an experience that certainly put into perspective my self-worth and what exactly I DIDN'T deserve. Bear with me while I tell my tale.
It started off in my first year of university. I was young, naive, and willing to believe that all men were going to be as nice as the single guy who waited patiently for me to date him for two years in high school (but that’s a whole different story!). Oh, how wrong I was. The guy in question was decently hot, but not too hot that he was 100% out of my league, and came across as funny and caring. I made the mistake to go home with him the very first drunken night that we hung out. No sex or anything though, I wasn't THAT easy.
The first two weeks of our..hmm…”relationship”….were so promising; I wasted hours upon hours of my days lusting over him. I woke up to “good morning beautiful” text messages and fell asleep to equally charming ones. I slept over often enough to leave a toothbrush in his bathroom. To my great surprise and disappointment, things turned sour the minute I left town.
I had to go back home one weekend for some minor surgery, and although I was sad to be missing out on a weekend of partying, I was sure that this soon to be discovered d-bag would be kind enough to keep it in his pants for six days while I was recovering. One of my girlfriends texted me that Friday night to ask how things were going between this guy and I, so I replied honestly saying that I definitely had feelings for him. I was so clueless I thought she was just making small talk with me!
That, my friends, was red flag #1 that I so blindly missed. When I returned back to campus I soon found out that the two fuckers had sex while I was in bed high on painkillers. Great. THIS exact moment is where I should have thought: “hey, he’s a complete loser, GET OUT”. However, I forgave him. I know, I know. Shame on me.
He then continued to lead me on for another month or two, only to drop me a: “sorry I need to concentrate on my studies” text and never speak to me again. Complete and udder mindfuck! And do you want to know what the worst part is? I still would have gone back to the guy. He had me wrapped around his finger.
At the time I thought: “What on Earth did I do to deserve that?” But the answer is quite clear to me now. You see ladies, by uttering the words “I forgive you” I made it clear to him that I was a girl with no self-respect, who didn’t believe that she was worthy of better treatment. If I, myself, didn't possess the sense of worth I merited, why should he bother to treat me with it? Right there, I basically gave him permission to treat me like a piece of shit.
For a situation that really did wreck me more than I’d like to admit, I am still able to say that it’s taught me immeasurably important things. Although I still think it’s fair to expect back the same level of respect from people that you initially put out, I also believe that it’s fair to expect back the same level of respect from people that you believe you deserve and are worthy of. Hopefully one day I’ll forget the asshole that ruined so many of my nights, but right now I remember him as that loser that will never know what a great girl he missed out on.

Reader story: If I didn’t know him, I could swear he was the real deal!

Posted by CB , Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:43 p.m.

A dear friend of mine confided to me why she hates men and thought you lovely readers should be warned. This man walks among us and has many accomplices!!

I know this man….

He’s the most disgusting, skanky, ugh-inspiring jerk I know. We met several years ago, working on a project together and circumstances have it that we meet up every summer when he and my other acquaintances from abroad come back to Quebec. It’s the same thing over and over. Like clockwork, just as I come through the door, it’s full-on flirt. Sometimes we fool around a bit but I’ve never really allowed myself to get any closer. Now, if I didn’t know any better, he would be pretty convincing with the sweet talk, the kisses, the eyes… those gorgeous eyes!

But I do know better and it’s a little less cute when you see it from a third person point of view. The same moves, the same approach that was used on you, used on an other girl. Actually I should be saying this differently. I should be saying: Every. Single. Girl.

Every time we go out, it’s the same routine. Whether it’s at a club, a restaurant, anywhere, you can always expect him to find some pretty girl(s) to wrap around his…uh…finger.
He’s gross… but in an interesting way. The way he talks to and looks at women. If I didn’t know him, I could swear he was the real deal! I can’t help but to give him credit for his effortless swag that, let’s face it, brings in amazing results. The number of ladies I’ve seen him walk away with! Sometimes I feel like being a total cock-block and warning these girls that by no means are they special to him whatsoever. But then again, I wouldn’t want them to miss out on what I expect is an incredible one night stand.

You know, this man might be the prime reason why I hate men. But he does win points with me for exceptional skill and artistry.

If you have any stories to share (I know you do), contact us on Facebook or email us at and we will publish (anonymously or not!) your story :)

How to get a girl according to the movies

Posted by CB 10:50 a.m.

Stolen from

Men haters giving advice

Posted by CB , Wednesday, August 10, 2011 12:40 a.m.

Hello ladies! We got an email from a reader asking us if we give advice, YOU BET WE DO! In the spirit of trying to help you ladies out, we're going to post (anonymously of course) our questions and advice on the blog, from both me and K to any questions we get. Here is our first!

do you do advice? i need some.

i've been on and off with a guy for six years. we're currently seeing each other but have decided not to date (officially, i think this is our 4th go at it.) he's decided to go away for school this fall somewhere that's really hot and populated, and i'm going somewhere that's cold and populated, and they're super far away from eachother. needless to say, there will be lots of girls for him and lots of guys for me in these particular cities. he talks like he wants to marry me eventually though, no matter what happens. (we've had a year to two-year breaks in between our dating (some of that time i was away at uni) but we just seem to keep coming back together.) but he brought up the other day that he never wants to talk about us having sex with other people (he kept bringing up the fact that hes going to party his face off down there so i kept bringing up the fact that he'll have easy bimbos all over him) and some other stuff he said made me get the impression that he's going there basically thinking he's going to be banging all these other girls - but in the end, he wants to come back and marry me?

and i quote, "at the end of the day, or i guess i should say the next morning, i'm still going to love you"

WHAT THE FUCK...should someone that "loves" you, and for this long, be planning on fucking around just because they can or before their tied down? (not that i'm going to be tying him down...hell no. i just cant let go of him and i know i won't be able to let go of him (which i've tried many times) until i find someone that i have equivalent feelings for...but i'm not going to find him here and there's two months left of summer...what should i do? 

From Kimberly:Wow, that's a toughy!
There's is no easy answer because this is no easy situation.
I have to admit that I've sort of been there with an ex, and it didn't end very well. After two years of dating, we broke up, and then we were on and off for about 8 months. It was hell. I HATED not knowing what was going on, if he was serious about me or just keeping around to avoid loneliness.
This is where I can understand what you're going through, because I had to make the same choice. And here is the best advice I can give you.You really need to sit down, and ask yourself if it's worth it. I mean this guy is giving me the impression that he is taking you for granted,and keeping you as a backup. Is this guy really worth feeling like a plan B? Honestly, if he CARES so much about you and is talking about marriage,why would he put you through this? What's the point of jeopardizing your relationship right now if he wants to be with you in the end? It just doesn't add up. Could he have some commitment issues? Maybe you should explore that possibility.

I know this may sound cheesy, but you really need to figure out what y-o-u want. If you decide that this guy is The One and you don't care how much time it takes or how much it hurts,
then it's your choice and you should embrace it. But if you decide to not put up with it anymore, then you should definately say something! One thing is for sure, you can't sit around and wait for him to figure out what he wants. It's a two way street! I'm strongly encouraging you to have a heart-to-heart with him,tell him what's on your mind, and try to get some answers. If I've learned anything, it's that a man will never just give you what you want, you have to be strong enough to ask. So if you want him to NOT fuck around and really be in this relationship with you, then ask. It's the only way to more forward with -or without- him. Because in the end, we're all 
trying to find our own happiness and you just have to figure out what with help you get on that path. Think longterm! 

Wish you the best!xoxo

From Catherine`:

Honey, I have to give you tough love on this one: even if he might not intentionally be doing it, he is using you! He's keeping you as his backup girl and while he may love you, you should never put yourself in second place! 
I think you should tell him that you hate feeling second place to a bunch of bimbos and tell him that you guys are definitely off for a while. It sounds to me from what I know that you are both in different places right now in your lives and not ready to fully commit.
You don't have to completely 'let go of him' but take a break for a while, meet other guys, live your seperate lives and if after a while you both are ready to commit and really be together, then you'll know it's worth it.
It's like when you try on a shirt you like but aren't sure about it, if you leave the store and are still thinking about it later, then you know you should buy it!

Reader story: Of course it happened drunk at a bar.

Posted by CB , Friday, August 5, 2011 1:00 p.m.

Many thanks to my friend from across the country who submitted this story about inappropriate and aggravating men behavior. It happens everywhere folks! Enjoy ;)

'He was the ass I regretted not sleeping with. Of course it happened drunk at a bar, we were both dancing and stuff, ya know the usual at a bar. Last call came so we went outside, hung out, made out, wandering hands (the usual) then of course it's come home with me blah blah blah. I said no not tonight give me your number and we'll talk next week. So he did. The next week I text him, chit chat, didn't see him. So he's talking to my friend one day and he's like how the hell did your friend get my number? 
Ended up calling me a slut, and said I can't believe she would do that to 'Jason' (my previous fuckbuddy) they're together blah blah blah. My friend told him we're not together.

So I got called a slut because he asked me to go home with him.

I was so pissed then a couple weeks later (I don't remember this) we got into a heated argument at a bar about the situation, but I do remember he was saying slut is a compliment. I was like WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!!

Also, I don't like the fact that I wear glasses, I do because I have to. DON'T USE IT AS YOUR PICK UP LINE. Sorry had to get that out. :) It's happened more than once!'