Bitchy friends with boyfriends.

Posted by CB , Saturday, July 23, 2011 4:07 p.m.

So I had an interesting conversation today with an old friend of mine.
 You know those friends who stayed in their hometown, with their high school sweetheart and who love to unintentionally (or intentionally) rub it in your face?
You know who I'm talking about. And if you're reading this, I hope you know who you are and stop doing this to your girlfriends right fucking now.

There is nothing wrong with being single and having some guy friends you occasionally hook up with/go to for some much needed attention!
But there is nothing worse than being told 'i guess bf's dont work for everyone' or  'oh dear haha. you have one of those?'

Everyone needs a 'transition' man. One of those guys that won't be your serious boyfriend but who likes being with you just to have fun.  Hey, I'm not going to be the one to turn down a good looking guy who wants to give me a massage and tell me I'm the hottest thing he's ever seen ;)

So single ladies, EMBRACE YOUR SINGLENESS and don't you let some biatch with a boyfriend make you think that it's better. He might be cheating on her and she doesn't even know it.

Relationships and technology.

Posted by CB , Wednesday, July 20, 2011 2:33 p.m.

According to my parents and other older people, relationships have changed alot in the past generation. Texting and Facebook have become deciding factors on love. Relationship statuses, interested in, a certain someone posting more than normal on your Wall.... All those things can add up to rumors and beliefs that love is around!
Maybe I was born in the wrong time but this feels off for me.

Those who know me know that I text. ALOT. Maybe it's time for that to change. 

Ladies, you all have received those 'Hey :) ' texts from a boy. 
Or those late night texts from a boy with a girlfriend who only texts you when she's not around.....
Or the 'What's up?' leading you to think that maybe he wants to see you, maybe he missed you.

Honestly, I don't think that men think that way at all when texting.

So I'm going to try this new thing where I don't base my relationships on Facebook or texting, maybe see how it goes...

I leave you with a song by men that I love: 
Everlasting Light by the Black Keys

European men: The verdict.

Posted by KB , Monday, July 11, 2011 1:41 p.m.


When I got back from my two week trip in Europe, one of the first things I said to the girls about the men in Amsterdam is that I gained 10 pounds because there was so much EYE CANDY. Holy shit. I swear to God, everywhere I looked I saw gorgeous men. And if you think that my standards are low, well they’re NOT. So here is what I noticed most about Dutch men:


•Gorgeous facial features. I don’t know how they do it, but almost everything about their faces looks good. And the hair... most of the men had medium-long hair. Nothing dirty or grungy. It was kind of Italian looking actually. Sort of pushed back, a bit wavy and just so sexy.

•Fashionistas, in a non-metrosexual/homosexual way. The men over there know how to dress, and man do they look good.

•Okay so if you don’t know anything about Amsterdam, let me tell you that over there, 98% of the means of transportation are bicycles. You won’t see parking lots for cars, but you guessed it, parking lots for BIKES. So all of this to tell you that if you use your bicycle on a daily basis, you WILL have a killer body. Oh Jesus, the bodies....

•Sexy foreign accents. I don’t know what it is about accents, but they’re hot. And they will make you wanna take him home. BEWARE OF ACCENTS.

•THEY LOVE CANADIANS!!! Since we were the ones to free Amsterdam in the Second World War, they just love us. And want to give us free drinks. Uh-oh!

•Their culture. Men over there are so laid back and chill. All they wanna do is ride their bikes and drink a good cold Heineken. Amen to that!

•Class. They have class. First of all, I did not see any guidos whatsoever. Guys over there do not focus on having the biggest biceps ever, or wearing the tightest shirts ever. Second, even though marijuana is legal over there and drinking is a part of their daily routines, they’re never wasted and making a fool of themselves on the streets.


Okay so this was... interesting. During my stay in Belgium, I lived in an Arab neighbourhood. So you can imagine what I went through. Men harassing you from every corner, winking at you, blowing you kisses. Yes very disturbing I know. I don’t have anything whatsoever against Arab men, but some of them went as far as grabbing my arm, telling me that they love me, and one guy said to me “Princess, you color my life.” Wow, I felt like a piece of steak and all of these dogs were fighting over the meat. It was not a good feeling and it kind of turned me off all Belgian men.


I was only there for two days, and spent most of my time sightseeing! I didn’t have a lot of time to check out the men over there, but from what I saw, they seemed... normal. A balanced mixture of hot and ugly boys. Every guy I met though kept saying that I had a “cute” ac cent. That’s pretty much the only action I got over there.

Overall, I have to say that I MUCH prefer European men. They look WAY better, they act better, and let’s face it, they have that sexy accent. They’re exotic, and I like exotic things. I have to admit that I was quite dissapointed to come back to our short, wannabe guido and sloppy men. So my advice is that we all pack our bags and head to Europe. Afterall, it is the most beautiful and romantic place to be. If we don’t find suitable men and all else fails, we can always become classy strippers in the Red Light District.

Is that an accent? Excuse me while I undress.


Posted by CB , Saturday, July 2, 2011 1:16 a.m.

Yay! Excited!

That is all. :)