And I stomped on his male ego.

Posted by CB , Saturday, September 3, 2011 2:19 p.m.

Last night I went to play foosball with a couple of my friends and those who know me, know that I love/am pretty good at this game.
My opponent was a tall blonde guy who hit on me shamelessly before the game, bringing in bad pickup lines such as 'I'm going to play this game for you, I'm going to win for you' (OH PUHLEASE)
We start playing and his ball gets in my zone (I'm goalie) and he goes 'If I get this one in, you have to give me a kiss. I know I'm going to get it in so you have to give me a kiss when I do. Watch this, I'm going to get it in'
The kid doesn't stop. He's going on and on about how he's going to get it in.

He hits it, I hit it right back and it slams into his goal at the other end of the table.

Everyone around us goes OOOHHHHHH!!!! And the poor kid pulls his hat down and probably wants to die. Everyone around is high-fiving me and telling him how much I showed him. Plus, it was a beautiful shot.

I have to say, I think I stomped on his male ego and hit him where it hurts haha.
I lost the game (he was in a fury after that and scoring like crazy) but it doesn't matter, I had already won just by showing him who was boss.


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