Men, women, relationships.

Posted by CB , Wednesday, October 26, 2011 7:39 p.m.

Some important facts you should know before getting into a relationship, taken from Jerry Seinfeld's book 'Seinlanguage'

Dating, what is it really?:
Dating is pressure and tension. What is a date really, but a job interview that lasts all night?

Spending the night at somebody else's house:
It could happen. It's happened to a lot of people. You always think to yourself, 'I can handle this. It's no big deal.' 
But your hair the next morning is the true reflection of how you really feel inside. Your hair freaks out when it wakes up at somebody else's house. You go in the bathroom, it's like
 'This is not our sink, this is not our brush, this is not our mirror--AAHHH!!'

The basic conflict between men and women sexually:
Men are like firemen. To them, sex is an emergency, and no matter what they're doing, they can be ready in two minutes.
Women, on the other hand, are like fire. They're very exciting, but the conditions have to be exactly right for it to occur.

The relationship's owner's manual:
Each man and each woman actually does have an owner's manual. Nothing's written down anywhere, but the directions for operation of an individual in a relationship are detailed and specific nonetheless. 
So when you start out with someone, you're essentially driving a strange car for the first time and none of the controls are labeled. The wipers come on at strange times, sometimes you stall. On top of that, we've met people with bad steering, no brakes, needs a muffler, headlights a little dim, too much in the trunk, not enough under the hood, prone to backfiring, won't turn over, and just plain out of gas.

Where were you two years ago? My story.

Posted by KB , Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:13 p.m.

After reading Catherine's post about where she was two years ago, I started myself thinking about how much things have changed in the past two years.

Two years ago was the worst chapter of my life so far. Two years ago is the reason why I was inspired to start this blog with Catherine a couple months ago, it is the reason why I hated men so badly. I was recovering from the relationship that left me so wounded. This may sound tragic and extremely serious, it sort of is. But fear not, the chapter is closed.

So okay, enough suspense. Three years ago, I started dating this guy. Let's name him Mr.X, even though we should call him the Devil. So yes, we started dating, and in the beginning it was very unofficial, foggy and sneaky. ( if you're wondering why, it is because I dated one of Mr.X's best friends before, so he was sort of breaking the BroCode: you don't date your friend's ex.) So after a couple months, I decided to stop with all the bullshit and ask him straight up to either admit we were exclusive or let me go. Being the great catch that I am, Mr.X obviously decided to call me his girlfriend.

The relationship lasted about two years, but the last year was pure torture. I will not go into details about how bad, abusive and poisonous the relationship was, but what I will say is that I should've never commited to this person. I guess the wise thing to say here is that you learn from your mistakes and that you have to take risks to realize what you want and what you deserve, but to be honest, this was one lesson I didn't have to learn. It was not essential to my life, and it wasn't something I had to go trough to become a better person.

Reader story:He began building up the trust, leading me to the mistake of sleeping with the guy

Posted by CB , Saturday, October 22, 2011 8:55 p.m.

A story from a friend of mine who learned that men are dicks the hard way. :(

So during a crazy party (in which I remember nothing) I ended up with a guy.
During the process I apparently revealed all my deepest, darkest secrets. He was looking after me all night and for the next few days he was doing his best to try and help with all the issues I confessed to him, seems pretty nice right? I thought so too. 

So we were seeing a lot of each other over the next few weeks and he was being extremely caring and nice to me. However I didn’t want to be dating anyone so I told him we should just be friends. He then insisted on dating anyway so somewhat reluctantly I agreed. He then began building up the trust, thus leading me to make the mistake of sleeping with the guy, which normally wouldn’t have been too big of a deal had it not been my first time.

Just 2 days after this occured he then proceeded to dump me, saying we were “too serious” and he didn’t want to hurt such a fragile girl. As if this wasn’t confusing enough, the next day when I had landed myself in the hospital (sickness) he thought it would be nice to come visit me... 

WTF Buddy? 

Thanks for making life so confusing, this is why I hate men.

I hate men and I love Sephora!

Posted by CB 12:14 a.m.

So in case you ladies didn't know, I recently got hired at Sephora in Quebec city and I  LOVE IT!
It's the complete opposite of the restaurant I was working at, I'm working in an almost all women environment (plus some fabulous gay men) and I get to play with makeup all day! Doesn't that sound fantastic?

Some of my new favs to share with you :)

 Too Faced Eye shadows

Kat Von D Lipsticks.. Or scratch that, EVERYTHING!

Magnetic nailpolish.

And the best mascara from Japan!

If any of you are ever in the Quebec city area, feel free to come visit me and I'll show you some of the awesome stuff we have, stuff even a non-makeup lover will love.


Unlikely style icon: Violet Baudelaire

Posted by CB , Monday, October 17, 2011 7:29 p.m.

Watching the Series of Unfortunate Events movie, I realized that I am IN LOVE with Violet Baudelaire's Victorian/Classic Chic/Kinda goth looks. Although it is a look that might be difficult to pull off in real life as a whole, several parts are perfect for fall or for hunting down Count Olaf.

Personally, I am IN LOVE with this coat. ABSOLUTELY gorgeous.

The costumes are designed by Colleen Atwood, who also designed the Alice in Wonderland costumes. BRILLIANT woman.
You may be wondering how this post has anything at all to do with men hating. It doesn't HOWEVER, Violet Baudelaire is a brave, strong, intelligent female role model which us ladies can always appreciate. ;)

Where were you 2 years ago?

Posted by CB , Sunday, October 16, 2011 10:58 p.m.

A friend of mine recently reconnected with an ex from 2 years ago on Facebook and it got me to thinking,

Where was I two years ago?

Two years ago, at this time me and my boyfriend were living together after only a couple of months of living in Quebec. We had invited my friend and her boyfriend to our place for a fancy 'adult type' dinner, with wine and a home cooked meal. (you know, not my specialty of nachos and grilled cheese)

Now, I've gone back to my single girl lifestyle of KD and cheese and crackers with some occasional fancier cooking which reminds me that although I have changed alot from where I was 2 years ago, some things never change. I can cook salmon now but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop eating KD ;)

And the unexpected pop-in from men you'd almost forgotten about. Maybe you've both changed a bit and both learned from the 2 years apart.
And maybe, you still never want to see him again ;)

And the one lesson I think I've learned and want to teach is
Don't waste your time being sad about a man.
Life is too short and goes by too fast.
Yes but clichés only begin because the same things are often said. And often, they are true.

2 years ago, I was holding this dumb cat, not knowing yet that I was about to start living\hating this cat for the next year. You never know what will happen....
Where were you 2 years ago?

Halloween Hoes

Posted by CB , Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:11 a.m.

Hello ladies!
It is now October 12th which  means yo asses should be in gear for the costumed event that is Halloween. I'm a huge dress up fan and Halloween is the only holiday where I can get dressed up and not be judged as a random dressed up weirdo.
HOWEVER, somewhere along the lines Halloween became Hoe-lloween.
Sexy cop, sexy fireman,sexy referee,sexy teddy bear, sexy lumberjack, sexy mafia gangster,
It's time to kick it up a notch and find a classy, cute and original costume that can still be sexy without being skanky!
This Halloween, let's be fun and original and leave those sex store outfits at home!

Some good costume ideas (okay, some I've already done): Lucky Charm (leprechaun), senorita, Cruella DeVille, anyone from Grease, flapper girl, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, any Disney Princess, Marilyn Monroe, Queen of Hearts, Frankenstein's bride, an Avatar, Sally from a Nightmare before Christmas, a skeleton (have you SEEN those awesome leggings?), Carmen san Diego, Pikachu, anyone from KISS, etc....



Not good.


Turning childhood things like teddy bears and Dr Seuss sexy is just wrong.


Okay, maybe a sexy pikachu isn't too bad ;)

Sexy mafia gangster? No such thing.

I also leave you with hours of enjoyment on while listening to

And feel free to tell me your awesome costume ideas to add to the list! I'm being Wilma from the Flintstones so no copying my idea! ;)

Reader story: I was in a non-committed relationship, he wasn't committed.

Posted by CB , Tuesday, October 4, 2011 1:46 a.m.

Another story about men sucking. Although my personal opinion is HE CAN SUCK IT! 

'I was in a non commited relationship (he wasn't commited) with this guy for about a year. We pretty much lived together at this point, best friends for sure, when one day he asks me to take out my things from his place. Curious as to why, he tells me is seeing this girl he met once now. They had been talking a lot over text, but I hadn't been overly concerned. Why? Because she was 15, and he was 22. Why would I be concerned?

Ha! So, I have been kicked out of his life as his 'partner'. Upset? Not anymore. His young girlfriend got pregnant two days after the 'Offical' together. 

Slightly ashamed that I wasted a year of my life with this guy. Worth it? Definately not.'

- Anonymous