Beware of creepers.

Posted by CB , Tuesday, June 28, 2011 3:46 p.m.

I mean it ladies. This morning I had a horrible event happen to me, I was grabbed by a man at the bus stop. We comes up to me from across the street on rollerblades and starts getting close and talking to me. I pretended I wasn't freaking out but my heart was beating so fast. This man was covered in weird makeup, had lots of piercings and a mesh shirt. Like, big nasty mesh. He started off talking to me by telling me that he hated when bars closed at 3 cause he had no where to go.

He then started telling me that he knew me and that I could stop pretending that I was someone else. He says ' Crystelle, you can pretend you're different but I recognise you. OOHH I recognise you all right.' At this point, my heart almost stopped. He whips out a joint and starts smoking it in front of me. I found my strength and tried to walk away when he grabbed my arm and yelled CRYSTELLE! And I pushed him away and said 'Laisse-moi tranquille, je suis pas Crystelle!' And he left, smoking his joint.

Ladies, it was scary but just know, don't ever let a psycho man touch you and try to freak you out. Be strong. :)

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