Reader story: Of course it happened drunk at a bar.

Posted by CB , Friday, August 5, 2011 1:00 p.m.

Many thanks to my friend from across the country who submitted this story about inappropriate and aggravating men behavior. It happens everywhere folks! Enjoy ;)

'He was the ass I regretted not sleeping with. Of course it happened drunk at a bar, we were both dancing and stuff, ya know the usual at a bar. Last call came so we went outside, hung out, made out, wandering hands (the usual) then of course it's come home with me blah blah blah. I said no not tonight give me your number and we'll talk next week. So he did. The next week I text him, chit chat, didn't see him. So he's talking to my friend one day and he's like how the hell did your friend get my number? 
Ended up calling me a slut, and said I can't believe she would do that to 'Jason' (my previous fuckbuddy) they're together blah blah blah. My friend told him we're not together.

So I got called a slut because he asked me to go home with him.

I was so pissed then a couple weeks later (I don't remember this) we got into a heated argument at a bar about the situation, but I do remember he was saying slut is a compliment. I was like WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!!

Also, I don't like the fact that I wear glasses, I do because I have to. DON'T USE IT AS YOUR PICK UP LINE. Sorry had to get that out. :) It's happened more than once!'

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